Rocket immersion,

a workshop weekend for dedicated Rocket students


Laura is back with a double workshop experience to dive deep into Rocket Yoga. Get to know the essence of the practice and its background. We will do breakdown of challenging asana (poses) and transitions, learning how to modify when needed and play with variations as your practice progress. Through these workshops you’ll get a detailed understanding of the inner and outer work that takes place when stepping on the mat, through which you will discover lightness, clarity and prolonging endurance in your practice.

These workshops are best suited for students with some prior experience with Rocket.

1 NOV 16.30 - 19.30 &
2 NOV 16.00 - 19.00

600 DKK


What we'll cover

WORKSHOP 1 — Inversions, Transitions & Bandhas

  • Inversions in the classic Rocket series & how to level up and down with variations
  • Classic transitions of Rocket 1 & 2 sequences breakdown, progression & drills
  • Knowledge of Bandhas - practical & therapeutic approaches:

— how they are practically applied in the asana sequences
— therapeutic benefit of seated bandha practice

WORKSHOP 2 — Complete Rocket 3 & main focus points in Rocket tradition: Tristana

  • Pranayama & Kriya (breathing & purification) exercises
  • Tristana (breath, dristhi, bandha) introduction & why we consider these essential to Rocket, building presence of mind, focus and steadiness in practice
  • Rocket 3 complete practice - Rocket 3 combines the themes of Rocket 1 & 2 thereby creating a “complete” practice with diverse movements & directions through forward folds, core strength, backbend, twist, inversion, arm balances, bringing prana/ life force through the whole body and all inner systems. Rocket 3, with its counter postures, provides a balance in the body that also helps settling and balancing of the mind
Team Laura

Laura • @laurajervidalo

I have been practicing yoga my whole life from my mothers belly. I grew up in a yoga school in Copenhagen and practicing yoga was always a natural part of living life. Growing up yoga practice was a way to find balance and calmness in everyday life activities and challenges.

After moving to NYC in 2015 I met teachers Yoshio Hama and Sri Dharma Mittra that inspired me tremendously to be able to share this ancient, beautiful, life-supportive practices. I started to teach because I want to serve my community and share the knowledge discovered in my own journey. In the physical aspect Ifocus on the relationship between strength and flexibility to balance the body, but just as importantly how overall through  incorporating all eight-limbs of Yoga it holistically support longevity in outer and inner health. Balancing the physical, sets the body for stillness, silence and creates the preparation for deeper discoveries in more subtle parts, encouraging sensitivity and heightened enjoyment of existence. I hope to help my students to a deeper understanding of their inner Self.

Laura has fulfilled advanced teacher training in Dharma Yoga, Rocket Vinyasa Yoga and Backbend, reaching over 1000 hours of certified teacher training.