
Cam • @cam.origin
Born and raised in Denmark I always found myself seeking adventure, traveling to explore different cultures and challenging the comfort of home. When in Copenhagen I was riding high on the career path trying to balance a work life in the hectic (but creative) entertainment industry, sewing costumes, and teaching yoga. Soon I realized that something needed to be set free, for the passion of yoga needed more attention. It might not make empirical sense, but this was the calling i got. Now I'm lucky to unfolding my creative self (and dreams) through the creation and running of KAILO.
With more than 900 hours of training ranging from alignment based Iyengar yoga, to soul-searching Bhakti yoga, I find myself teaching wholesome classes. Expect encouragement to explore your mental and physical edges, that serves beautifully to introduce you to your best and most brilliant self. With a particular devotion to slow down our never ending brain waves, I'll guide with emotional focus, physical awareness and oftentimes resonance. I'm dedicated to offer classes that balance the sweetness of inner as well as outer work, shedding light on our individual hidden treasures.

Dom • @koprdik
Jeg blev første gang trukket med til en yogatime, da jeg som yngre kæmpede med angst. Yogaen hjalp mig til at opbygge en selvtillid jeg ikke selv var klar over at jeg havde. Hvis man vælger at bruge yogaen til at vende sit udgangspunkt, udforske sig selv og opretholde en nysgerrighed, så tror jeg virkelig på at yoga er for alle - både i fysisk og mental forstand.
Kernen i min undervisning omhandler netop at praktisere en bevidsthed og mærke efter i den fysiske og subtile krop. Jeg nyder at guide sjove & kreative flows, som tillader individuelle udforskelse og en følelse af komplet frihed. Du vil opleve funky sammenkædninger af stillingerne, god musik & forhåbentlig inspiration til hvordan du kan få denne oldgamle praksis tilpasset din moderne krop.
Jeg elsker at drikke kaffe og sludre om alt & ingenting. Jeg elsker at danse, spise peanutbutter ved midnat og lave skøre uventede ting. Vigtigst af alt, cringey musik, film & reality programmer er min absolut største guilty pleasure.

Shaan • @shaanrali
Yoga har været ét af de mest groundende elementer i mit liv. Efter at have arbejdet med flygtninge som Camp Manager og som fotojournalist i Grækenland & mellemøsten nåede jeg til et sted hvor jeg var udbrændt, og følte at yogaen var det eneste der hjalp mig igennem en periode med PTSD. At finde ro i min vejrtrækning, balance i hverdagen og et safe-space hvor jeg kunne lade fokuset bevæge sig indad, var alt jeg behøvede for en stund.
At kunne give dette videre - tilbyde andre et sted at se og blive set - er den største ære for mig som underviser.
Mine klasser er fuld af spas, (tør, Australsk) humor, filosofi bag stillingerne og et blend af styrke og blødhed. Jeg elsker at minde mine elever om at yoga ikke behøver at være så stift og seriøst, men at det i stedet kan være en blid og udforskende måde at komme tilbage ind i kroppen på.
Når jeg ikke underviser i yoga, arbejder jeg som fuldtids-advokat for en non-profit virksomhed der støtter journalister, bag ved et sæt trommer som nærer min kærlighed for Vestafrikansk musik eller dampende i en sauna.

Miz • @natarajayogauk
I like to hold classes around connection, within and from the practitioner, embracing flow and the natural world, exploring movement in the body and in space. My Yin and relaxation sessions delve into breathwork and Qigong practices, allowing understanding of awareness deeper within the body, and energetic connections. The love I have for movement comes from a childhood of daily practice with a Punjabi father, and years at dance school. So my style comes from 18 years of practice and teaching, in studios, at gyms, working with people with disabilities, weight lifters and desk-bound designers, and then guiding a unique and satisfying combination of inventive and challenging conscious control, infused with inspiring guidance and light-heartedness. Miz is registered as an E-RYT200, and has 500-hours of training in Ashtanga-Vinyasa, Yin Yoga, Restorative & Somatics, Trauma Informed Yoga and Traditional Chinese Medicine, as well as certificates in all sorts from Neural Flossing to Tantric Philosophy and Kalaripayattu.

Lena • @lena__charlie
Hver dag giver yogaen mig rum til at dyrke forbindelsen mellem krop, sind & hjerte. I næsten 10 år har det været en konstant del af mit liv, og ærligt, jeg ved ikke hvad jeg ville være eller gøre uden den. Nogle gange føles det lykkeligt, andre gange tungt - men jeg omfavner livets rutsjebaner, udviklingen og friheden som kommer med det.
Med mine yoga klasser håber jeg at skabe et inspirerende rum for personlig udvikling og inspiration. Forhåbentlig omfavner du også det blide, det tunge og alt det ind imellem. Nogle gange kommer vi videre, opdager sjov og spas i det ukendte, og forhåbentlig forlader du klasserne med smil - i hvert fald engang i mellem.
Når jeg ikke er på min yogamåtte, finder jeg glæde i solskin, kaffe, skøn mad med skønne mennesker, dans, planter og kreative DIY projekter. Jeg elsker at lave mad (især til andre), og har for nyligt færdiggjort en PhD i ‘food science’. I mere end 6 år har jeg levet en vegansk tilværelse, med kærlighed for dyr, planeten og mit eget helbred. Jeg tro oprigtigt på at vi hver dag har mulighed for at tilvælge det gode til, lykke og medfølelse for andre, og os selv.

Bella • @yogabybella

Emma • @yoga.emma
I came to yoga over ten years ago. My local gym offered a class and it seemed like a fun way to mix up my workout routine. I had no idea that eventually it would change my life. As I continued to practice, I came to understand that yoga is more than stretches that feel good, more than mental exercises that reduce stress. It’s a lens to perceive the world and life itself through. It’s a way of finding purpose and connection to yourself and the world you’re so beautifully a part of. I’m naturally restless as a person and I’ve often struggled to feel grounded and to decide which direction to take my life into. The path of yoga has been a true friend at these recurring moments. The practice amplifies the highs and reminds me to show more kindness towards myself when I’m feeling low. The yoga tradition is so rich, and I continue to find answers and inspiration in its teachings and texts.
As a teacher I see it as my finest task to hold space for my students. I strive to create a space that feels inclusive and safe. Where there is room for you to explore. Whether we move through a sweaty vinyasa practice or slow down to feel the landscape within.

Daniela • @danniutrera
I always dreamed about being an Astrophysics Engineer but life happened and found myself very lost as a teenager. I was in a black hole, saving as much money as I could, in a job I didn't like so I could travel and figure out what to do next with my life. After traveling in Sri Lanka for a month, I decided to do my first teacher training without ever stepping a foot in a yoga studio before - little did I know where that choice would take me. Yoga has taught me so much about myself and it is an ongoing journey that I keep exploring every time I step on my mat.
My classes are inspired by the four elements of Fire, Earth, Water and Air. Honored by all the trainings I have done and all the teachers I love and awakened by the music I play. When I am not teaching, you can find me listening to podcasts, playing boardgames with my partner or most probably, doing handstands.

Giorgia • @_off_the_mat_
I fell in love with yoga since the first time I stepped into a studio many years ago.
I've always been attracted by Eastern philosophy, I believe in karma and I feel yoga is somehow something I've done in different lifetimes.
The reason why I went to India was to deepen my knowledge of this ancient philosophy, I had no idea at that time that I wanted to teach yoga myself.
Sharing this powerful practice with other people is for me a way to keep learning about myself, yoga changed my life, it gave me the strength of facing my fears on and off the mat and moving forward from a life I didn't belong anymore.
It's never ending path through which we have the possibility to explore our body, mind and soul, accepting our bad days, bad moods and learning day by day as soon as we step on our mats that nothing is permanent.
The Ashtanga style is often present in my classes as my first love, adapting it to a more flowing practice, at the end of my classes I hope you'll feel that energy flowing throughout your body and your mind.
Travelling is one of my addictions and teaching yoga allows me to travel, joining new trainings, meeting new teachers; and teaching in different places in the world is one of the aspects I'll never be grateful enough for.

Laura • @laurajervidalo
I have been practicing yoga my whole life from my mothers belly. I grew up in a yoga school in Copenhagen and practicing yoga was always a natural part of living life. Growing up yoga practice was a way to find balance and calmness in everyday life activities and challenges.
After moving to NYC in 2015 I met teachers Yoshio Hama and Sri Dharma Mittra that inspired me tremendously to be able to share this ancient, beautiful, life-supportive practices.I started to teach because I want to serve my community and share the knowledge discovered in my own journey. In the physical aspect Ifocus on the relationship between strength and flexibility to balance the body, but just as importantly how overall through incorporating all eight-limbs of Yoga it holistically support longevity in outer and inner health. Balancing the physical, sets the body for stillness, silence and creates the preparation for deeper discoveries in more subtle parts, encouraging sensitivity and heightened enjoyment of existence. I hope to help my students to a deeper understanding of their inner Self.
Laura has fulfilled advanced teacher training in Dharma Yoga, Rocket Vinyasa Yoga and Backbend, reaching over 1000 hours of certified teacher training.

Malika • @malikalucymalu
Min rejse med yogaen startede da jeg som helt lille observerede min mor dyrke de 5 tibetanere hver morgen. Fascineret af synet, fandt jeg mig selv gøre det samme, hvilket ledte mig til Vinyasa i sidste ende.
Siden da, har jeg rejst en masse og boet i flere forskellige lande. Jeg har færdiggjort en bachelor i Marine Biologi, & min kandidat i Klimaforandringer er hvad der har ført mig til København.
Min kærlighed for naturen og vores planet er også hvad der driver mig til altid at dyrke min yoga praksis. Både den fysiske praksis og den mentale - specielt meditation - giver mig med den nødvendige grounding og forbindelse til jorden, og naturen, som jeg håber på at give videre til andre igennem min undervisning. Jeg elsker at undervise og dyrke yoga udenfor & tidligt om morgen. Jeg elsker at mixe asana stilarter, med en fusion af vinyasa, hatha og yin. Jeg elsker at drikke kaffe med en god bog om rejser, yoga eller fantasi, & jeg elsker at lave musik.

Daniela P • @daniela.padelletti
